Awesome Barracuda Paper Airplane
Awesome Barracuda Paper Airplane
1. Start with a sheet of medium weight letter size paper.
2.Fold the paper exactly in half along its long edge. Unfold after the crease has been made.
3.Fold the upper left corner down so the upper left point hits the center line crease. When folded correctly, the left half of the top edge should line up with the center line crease.
4.Fold the upper right corner down so the upper right point hits the center line crease. When folded correctly, the right half of the top edge should line up with the center line crease.
5.Fold the point at the tip of the nose down so it hits the right edge of the paper. When folded correctly, the upper right diagonal edge should line up with right edge of the paper.
6.Unfold the flap created.
7.Fold the point at the tip of the nose down so it hits the left edge of the paper. When folded correctly, the upper left diagonal edge should line up with the left edge of the paper.
8.Unfold the flap just created.
9.Flip the paper over keeping the nose at the top.
10.Make a crease to fold the nose down. When folded correctly, the new horizontal crease should go through the the point on the center line created by the diagonal creases.
11.Unfold the flap just created
12.Flip the paper over
13.Pop the left and right horizontal creases up, bringing the points at the ends of the creases in and down towards the center of the paper. Bring the nose over and down pressing the whole fold flat.
14.Fold the nose back over on top of itself. The left and right points of the new crease should be at the points on the left and right edges of the paper.
15.Take the outer left side fold and fold it inward to make a crease.
16.Unfold the flap just created to leave a crease.
17.Take the outer right side fold and fold it inward to make a crease.
18.Unfold flap just created to leave a crease.
19.Take the left edge of the flap in the upper center of the plane, and fold it back to meet the crease we just made. Now fold the previous flap over it, to hide our new flap.
20.Take the right edge of the flap in the upper center of the plane, and fold it back to meet the crease we just made. Now fold the previous flap over it, to hide our new flap.
26. Fold the inner point of the plane directly in half.
27.Fold the side of the plane facing you in half, to were the line meets the tip of the plane.
28. Flip the paper over.
29.Fold the outer edge of the top of the paper so it meets the closest crease.
30.Fold the outer edge of the bottom of the paper so it meets the closest crease.
31. Fold the paper in half so both edges meet.
32.Unfold the paper leaving the creases, and gently pull on the edges of the wings to pull out the previous folds and leave a crease.
THROW: Launch with a moderate flat throw. If the craft dives for the ground, flatten the dihedral angle and try again. A very small amount of up elevator can be added if it continues to dive. Make sure the flaps under the wings are straight up and down.